Ajou-Kyushu joint workshop on Industrial Mathematics
There has been a growing interest among mathematicians in
utilising Mathematics in real world problems.
Ajou university in Suwon, Korea and Kyushu university in Fukuoka,
Japan both have institutes to promote interaction between
mathematics and industry.
As major universities located outside the capital,
Ajou university and Kyushu university share a goal to work
with the local government and the private sector to develop
mathematics for both the mathematical community and the society.
This two-day workshop is aimed at providing participants, from the
two universities and other institutes, a venue for sharing experiences
and expectations in collaboration of mathematicians and people from industry.
■日時: 2018年12月21日〜22日
■場所: 九州大学IMIオーディトリアム
21 Dec (Fri)
22 Dec (Sat)
Tentative list of poster presenters
■共催: 文部科学省委託事業「数学アドバンストイノベーションプラットフォーム(AIMaP)」